Create an optimal daily plan using your voice
Create tasks and events as easily as speaking them
Here's how it works
1. You talk about your plan for the day 💬
2. We use AI 🤖 to transcribe and analyze
3. You get an optimal plan to achieve success 🎉
Speaking > Writing
Set up in 30 seconds, not 30 minutes. Finally, a productivity tool that saves more time than it takes.
Never lose track of a task
Carry over uncompleted tasks to the next day, and the next, and the next. Get it done when you can, but never lose it from your list.
Track your habits
Keep track of your habits and see how they change over time. Form good habits, break bad ones. (Coming soon!)
Take back control of your day
- AI Task & Event Analysis
- Unlimited AI Voice Transcription
- Premium Support
Getting started takes less than 2 minutes.
Intellisay is changing the way I work. Now I can get my whole day planned out for me by just speaking for 2 minutes 🤯 Really loving it!
Kathleen Young
Interior Designer
Frequently Asked Questions
Take control of your day.
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